Helpful Hintro
Much more information about each of the hosts listed on this page is available in separate alphabetical Web pages matching the names of the host characters.
Use the highlighted links in the list, or the A-Z navigation bar at the top of this page, to visit the corresponding data.
For simplicity and consistency, I have posted the main entry for each host under the first letter of the host's most-commonly-used complete title —
for example, you will find "COUNT GORE DE VOL" under the C's, "DR. SHOCK" (several of them!) under the D's, etc.
This is a quirky system at best, but I've tried to include pointers wherever they might be useful to help you find what you're looking for.
For instance, if you look in the G's
for "Gore De Vol" you will find a pointer (with a hyperlink) to the data on the C page.
I made an exception of names including common articles: for example, "THE COUNT" and similar names are filed under the first letter of the major word in the name.
Hosts flagged with asterisks are discussed
(some in separate chapters, some just mentioned),
in the late-great Elena M. Watson's pioneering book
Television Horror Movie Hosts — 68 Vampires, Mad Scientists and Other Denizens of the Late-Night Airwaves Examined and Interviewed
(McFarland & Company, Inc.).
For more information about this book, still in print from the publisher,
see my FEARWORD.
I'm always open to suggestions that will make it easier to use this Website —
and if you have corrections, updates or additional information,
especially about a host I don't have an entry for,
please send me e-mail!.
I hope this Website brings back a lot of great memories.
George "E-gor" Chastain
The Webmonster