[Conrad Veidt portrait]

Conrad Veidt

January 22, 1893 - April 3, 1943
Born Hans Walter Conrad Veidt in Berlin, Germany

Visit The Conrad Veidt Home Page

Visit the Conrad Veidt Society Web site

See Internet Movie Database Filmography

A Lot (but by no means all) of the Remarkable Film Performances of Conrad Veidt

This list was primarily put together from three major sources which attempt to be comprehensive and definite (as this page does not): Conrad Veidt's Internet Movie Database filmography, the Incompleat Complete Films of Conrad Veidt list maintained on the Conrad Veidt Society Web site, and J. C. Allen's fine biography of the actor, "Conrad Veidt: From Caligari to Casablanca," available from the author. When these sources disagreed about information which can no longer be verified (dates, details), I sorted things out as well as I could. If you have corrections or additional information to offer, please send me e-mail — and better yet, please share your data with the excellent resources I credited.

So here's my working list of Veidt performances I think will be of interest to classic horror movie fans:

Go Back to BOOS WHO Classic Horror Players List

Last revised May 9 2021 by George "E-gor" Chastain.

Maintained by George "E-gor" Chastain (e-mail: egorschamber@gmail.com)